Change frequencies in EUT Calibration (Attenuation/Gain)

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Change frequencies in EUT Calibration (Attenuation/Gain)

Post by ntempone »


I think it would be most helpful if we could select a different frequency band in the EUT calibration that is not the same as the System Calibration.

For example, a System Calibration can be made over a wide frequency range, while many different EUTs can be measured with the same reference (system calibration) but in different bands (for example, couplers or preamplifiers that cover different frequencies).

However, in the present implementation this cannot be configured, as the fields are taken from the system calibration with no possibility to change them.
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Re: Change frequencies in EUT Calibration (Attenuation/Gain)

Post by joro »

It is indeed correct that only the same frequency range and frequency points can be tested during an EUT Calibration (Attenuation / Gain), that are also measured during a system calibration.
When multiple devices with a different frequency ranges should be calibrated, it is indeed not possible to use a single Attenuation/Gain System calibration. This restriction is included to ensure that the calibration is done with the highest accuracy.

I can also understand your situation, where you want to use a single system calibration to calibrate multiple devices. I will discuss with my colleagues if we want to relax this restriction, and allow to use different start, stop and step frequencies.
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