Measurement (graph) comparison

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Measurement (graph) comparison

Post by amunoz »

Hello John,

in our daily work we have face the necessity of comparing two (or more) measurements in order to see the differences (i.e. two conducted emission graphs). Nowadays there is the possibility of exporting the data and then compare it externally, but if you have to compare measurements with certaint frequency that process became cumbersome.

Thank you. Regards,

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Re: Measurement (graph) comparison

Post by joro »

Hello Toni,

We are currently busy with extending our software that makes it easier to export existing graph lines.
This will allow that an emission line is exported to for example a limit-line-file. This exported limit-line-file can then be included in another emission test again, which makes it easier to compare the two different emission tests.

The implementation is not finished yet, but as soon as we have it implemented (which should be within 2 weeks from now), I can give you some more details.

With best regards,
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Re: Measurement (graph) comparison

Post by joro »

Hello Toni,

We recently released version 2013.1.6 of RadiMation.
This new version has a new functionality, which allows to export the data of a graph line (which can be the results of an emission measurement) to another file. One of the supported exportable file types is the RadiMation Limitline File. In that case a 'Reference' line will be generated, which can be included in other test, to visually compare the results betweent the two tests.

The graphline exported also has the options to customize the color and the description during the export, which should allow a simple usage of your question.

With best regards,
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