Advanced Configuration settings Powermeter

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Advanced Configuration settings Powermeter

Post by sast »

When I press the 'Advanced' button in a Powermeter settings window, a new window with multiple panels is showed.
Please provide a description of how these settings should be interpreted and re-configured if needed.
DeviceDrivers_Advanced_settings_powermeter.png (15.76 KiB) Viewed 7886 times
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Re: Advanced Configuration settings Powermeter

Post by sast »

Normally, there is no need to change these settings and the default settings are used.

The working of both Levelling and Monitoring settings are exactly the same.
The difference between these settings is the timing when the Levelling measurements and the timing when the Monitoring measurements are taking place during the test. This is also depending on which test is performed.
  • Pre Wait time: the minimum time that should be waited before the measurements starts
  • Measure: the minimum amount of measurements that has to be performed to determine if the <Max. Difference> condition is met
  • Wait time: the minimum time that should be waited between each measurement
  • Max. Difference: the maximum difference that is allowed between the <Measure> measurement value(s); the highest and the lowest values are compared.
  • Max. Measure: the maximum amount of measurements that could be performed, before there is a final measurement value available (which could meet these conditions, or not)
If Measure is set to a value of 1 the Wait time, Max. Difference and Max. Measure settings will be disabled, because only one measurement will be performed.

According the settings in the screenshot above, RadiMation will perform a Levelling measurement;
A Pre wait time of 0ms and a minimum of three measurements, with a maximum of ten measurements, and will have a wait time between each measurement with a minimum of 75ms. The following cases are possible:

First case (after the first - minimum amount of - measurements are performed):
The first (<Measure>) 3 measurements are performed and the results are WITHIN the difference of (<Max. Difference>) 0.1dB, then the average of the amount of (<Measure>) 3 measurements values is returned.

Second case (more measurements are needed):
The first (<Measure>) 3 measurements are performed and the results are NOT WITHIN the difference of (<Max. Difference>) 0.1dB, then one new measurement is performed and RadiMation will use again the last three measurements (thus, the first measurement will be neglected) to determine if the results are now within the difference of (<Max. Difference>) 0.1dB. If this is indeed within the difference it will again return the average of the amount of (<Measure>) measurements values. (In this case the average of measurement two, three and four will therefore be returned as final value.) Otherwise, this process will repeat until;

Third case (last measurement is done):
The above settings and conditions are not met after the last measurement is done (and the <Max. Measure> value is reached), then the average of the amount of (<Measure>) measurements values is used as the correct measurement value.
Power meter graph sketch - Copy.png
Power meter graph sketch - Copy.png (15.57 KiB) Viewed 7879 times
When we use the same settings as in the previous posts, except for the wait time (we now use 1ms), then we are able to define the following statements:
  • The first measurements will consist of T1, T2 and T3, because the <Measure> (minimum) value is set to 3
  • The time difference between these measurements will be at least 1ms
  • The difference is determined between T3 (highest) and T1 (lowest)
  • This difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T4 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T2, T3 and T4 (T1 is now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T4 (highest) and T2 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T5 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T3, T4 and T5 (T1 and T2 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T5 (highest) and T3 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T6 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T4, T5 and T6 (T1, T2 and T3 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T6 (highest) and T4 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T7 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T5, T6 and T7 (T1, T2, T3 and T4 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T7 (highest) and T5 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T8 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T6, T7 and T8 (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T8 (highest) and T6 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T9 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T7, T8 and T9 (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T9 (highest) and T7 (lowest)
  • Again, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, and is also not exceeding the Max. Measure, therefore;
  • Measurement T10 is performed
  • The measurements now consist of T8, T9 and T10 (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 are now neglected)
  • Again, the difference is determined, but now between T10 (highest) and T8 (lowest)
  • Still, this difference value is NOT WITHIN the defined max. difference of 0.1dB, however;
  • The <Max. Measure> value is reached and 10 measurements are performed, so no new measurements are taken, therefore;
  • The average measurement value of the last set of performed measurements is used as the correct measurement value, thus the average of measurements T8, T9 and T10 is returned as final value.
According the settings (the screenshot of the settings screen), RadiMation will perform a Monitor measurement;
A Pre wait time of 0ms and only one measurement.
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