How can check the device driver .dll version?

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How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by solutionseeker »

How can I obtain the .dll version used by my device? Is this version number the same as the installed Device drivers?
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Re: How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by sast »

You can find the .dll version of your device in the 'Advanced' window of the device. This window can be opened by selecting (main menu) 'Configuration' -> 'Configuration' -> (tab) 'Device drivers' -> (dropdown menu) 'Device Driver Type' -> click on your device;
DeviceDrivers_check dll version.PNG
DeviceDrivers_check dll version.PNG (35.79 KiB) Viewed 18969 times
This .dll version number is different than the device driver version you have installed. (This version number can be found in the splash menu on the right corner: (main menu) 'Help' -> 'About'.)
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Re: How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by solutionseeker »

Is the device driver version used correct (see screenshot)? What is the difference between all these version numbers?
Radimation question about device driver versions.jpg
Radimation question about device driver versions.jpg (34.22 KiB) Viewed 18917 times
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Re: How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by sast »

Most of the time the support team will request the used device drivers system number and/or the used .dll version number of a specific device. These numbers are in fact always at least slightly different by default. This is completely normal.
  1. The value of the 'Device driver DLL Version' shows the information of this specific .dll. This version number is the date and time on which this specific DLL is compiled. This DLL version number provides exact definition of which changes are included in the .DLL. In this example 2013.07.11.1405. The date of the used .dll for this specific device is thus June 11, 2013 at 14:05 pm.
  2. The value of the 'Device drivers installation date' shows the information when the device driver setup is installed by the end-user for this specific version of RadiMation which is currently running. In this example 12.07.2013 08:37:00. The install date is thus June 12, 2013 at 08:37 am.
  3. The value of the 'Device drivers versions' shows the information which device drivers version you are currently running. This is the date and time when all the device driver DLL's are packaged into the DRIVERS.EXE. In this example 2013.07.11.1414. The date of the device drivers system is thus June 11, 2013 at 14:14 pm.
Now we can conclude that the Device Drivers version used is 2013.07.11.1414 the used .dll version of this specific device is 2013.07.11.1405 and the latest device drivers setup is installed on June 12, 2013 at 08:37 am.
It happens very often that a Device driver DLL is modified multiple times in a day. By including the time in the version number we can exactly determine which DLL version is used.
It is also possible that in specific situations that a DLL is provided without using an updated DRIVERS.EXE package. In that situation the 'Device driver DLL Version' can be newer than the 'Device drivers versions'.
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Re: How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by sast »

See also this item on our wiki page: ... _test_file
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Re: How can check the device driver .dll version?

Post by sast »

Here is a topic how to verify the installed device driver system used by RadiMation: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=461
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