New version: RadiMation version 2013.1.8

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New version: RadiMation version 2013.1.8

Post by joro »

We continued our development of our RadiMation software, and we included several improvements and fixes for problems that have been detected in the 2013.1.7 version.

The following issues are fixed in this 2013.1.8 version (compared to the 2013.1.7 version):
  • #1534: Large System fonts will make menu labels unreadable
  • #4250: Text is not readable in Final peak measurements frame
  • #4374: .NET: crash during continuous powermeter readout
  • #4415: PMM OR03 communication issue
  • #4451: New default installation on Windows 7 is not able to write to the CONFDVDR directory
  • #4453: No quasi-peak detector with Analyser N9000A
  • #4468: Window Client Logo: install to the correct folders by default
  • #4478: Driver: Signal generator Wiltron 68369B (10M - 40GHz)
  • #4480: Driver: Field probe Chauvin-Arnoux EF2A
  • #4490: Driver: Agilent N9010A Signal Analyzer Scanning Receiver
  • #4527: Driver: EMI average detector setting
  • #4543: Strange Quasi-Peak measurements with Agilent N9000A
  • #4573: Printing the graph in the Powermeter Virtual instrument raises an error
  • #4608: Correction of the powermeter in Burst mode
  • #4609: Customization of the graph is not remembered for the burst test
  • #4618: ESU with two bands and one sweep is not performing measurement
  • #4628: First point ADC measurement is sometimes wrong
  • #4632: Number of sweeps to be taken is not visible on small screen
  • #4640: An object reference error is raised when open ESD test
  • #4645: CE Multiband hangs when first band is using different trace detectors compared to second band
  • #4646: CE Multiband keeps repeating the last band
  • #4650: Graph control is always showing logaritmic
  • #4653: Not possible to use CTR+A inside Note option in TSF
  • #4678: setup program is aborted when .NET framework is going to be downloaded on a german pc
  • #4691: Surge status window, doesn't show Pass/Fail option
  • #4694: Possibility to remove multiple 'Information items'
No changes have been made to the measurement algorithms and correction calculations.
Some small improvements and new functionality is included in this 2013.1.8 release, most important are:
  • It is now possible to select multiple 'Information items', and click on the 'Remove' button. It will remove all the selected 'Information items'
  • Pressing CTRL+A in a note, will select all the text in the note window
  • The Radiated Emission Burst test (for the multi port EN 300328 measurements) is finalized
  • The setup program is adjusted to simplify the usability for installations on new PC's
The new 2013.1.8 release of RadiMation can be downloaded from: (see: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53 )
Last edited by joro on 19 Jun 2013, 16:23, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Updated the list of fixed items
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