New version: RadiMation version 2014.1.10

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New version: RadiMation version 2014.1.10

Post by joro »

Today we released a new version of RadiMation software, which includes several improvements and small fixes for problems that have been detected since the release of the 2014.1.10 version.

The following issues are fixed in this 2014.1.10 version:
  • #4255: Driver: strange VBW value is set
  • #5365: Second measurement is missing of Agilent 34970A AD converter
  • #5380: Test-sites are not found during network installation
  • #5387: R&S OSP 120 does only support LAN communication
  • #5389: Driver R&S ESRP EMI Test Receiver
  • #5391: Amplifier Research FP7018 is returning strange values
  • #4056: USB communication for the R&S SMB100A
  • #4941: After a 1 port S-parameter system calibration, it is still possible to perform a S12 test
  • #4943: Allow to perform a 1 port S-parameter system calibration on port 2 of the network analyzer
  • #4981: Not possible to select a calibration kit during the network analyzer tests
  • #5382: Connecting issue with R&S BBA100
  • #5393: R&S OSP 120 does not switch
  • #1647: uninstall not available for multiversion of Radimation
  • #2573: Missing drive can corrupt the setting during the install
  • #2734: a Bluescreen appears, when the PC is set to Hibernatemode and then the dongle is removed.
  • #3556: Unexpected error; quitting
  • #3624: Configuration files are not shared between users on a Windows 7 PC
  • #3769: When starting an installation of RadiMation it should be checked if an other version is already running
  • #4440: information field is not updated correctly
  • #4518: Device Drivers system gone
  • #4519: Icons related to RadiMation are not correct
  • #4528: After installation of new RadiMation older versions are not working anymore
  • #4537: Error when starting RadiMation
  • #4572: Windows Certified RadiPower device drivers should be included in DRIVERS.EXE
  • #4620: Description of event data is missing
  • #4862: Icons for some windows are not alway correctly showed
  • #5041: Device Drivers setup is not automatically selecting the latest installed RM version
  • #5123: No messages are shown during a new installation when RadiMation is running in background
  • #5234: Not possible to update or install RadiMation with network settings
  • #5288: Device drivers advanced configuration screen doesn't show titles
  • #5386: Extend R&S BBA100 driver with LAN communication
  • #5388: Units are not visbible during Manual Mode
  • #5392: RadiMation error 3 ‘The system cannot find the path specified’
  • #5397: R&S BBA100 is not directly set in operate mode
If you have specific questions regarding on of the above items, please contact us at

The complete list of release notes can be found on:

The new 2014.1.10 release of RadiMation can be downloaded from: ... &Itemid=54. (see: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53 )
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