New version: RadiMation version 2019.1.4

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New version: RadiMation version 2019.1.4

Post by joro »

We have released an updated version of the RadiMation software, which includes several improvements and fixes for problems that have been detected since the release of the 2018.2.9 version.
This version 2019.1.4 has been validated by our internal software quality checks. We strongly advise to test and verify (according to your quality system) this and each new version of RadiMation at for example a separate PC or laptop with your setup and with your measurement equipment, before you are going to use it for daily operation.

The new 2019.1.4 release of RadiMation can now be downloaded from the DARE!! web-site. Image

We always advise to thoroughly test EACH new RadiMation software version to determine if it works correctly in your situation with your equipment, before you use it for daily measurements. This is even a requirement for all ISO 17025 accredited test-labs. To enable customers to validate new software versions before they implement that new software version, we even made it possible to install multiple versions of RadiMation side-by-side on a single PC. It is of course also possible to perform this validation on for example a separate PC or laptop.

New functionality
We also include several improvements and new functionalities in version 2019.1.4, the most important improvements are:
  • Temporarily Switching to Auto RBW to prevent analyzer errors
  • Improved auto scaling of graphs
  • Fixes that the first TSF file that is saved is duplicated
  • Improved accuracy of calculation of ETSI EN 300328 values
  • Several Virtual Instrument Powermeter fixes
  • A lot of fixes for unhandled exceptions
  • General code improvements
  • In total more than 200 improvements or fixes
Noteworthy new device drivers that have been added:
  • EMTest Compact NX5
  • R&S OSP230 switching framework
  • R&S SMB100B signal generator
  • R&S NRX powermeter
Known issues
  • #9118: Ambient suppression in Multiband Emission GTEM causes that the GTEM correlation is not performed
If you have a problem or question, please do not hesitate to report it to us, so we can continue to improve RadiMation.

Fixed issues
The following issues are fixed in this 2019.1.4 version (compared to the 2018.2.9 version):
  • #1924: Zooming in the graph is not possible in compression test
  • #4370: TSF file is duplicated
  • #4670: Building the 'TestSites' menu can take a long time
  • #4777: Printing the angle plot of a Multiband emission test is printing the frequency graph
  • #5754: Graph of UFA calculation starts at -1, but should start at 0
  • #6529: Version numbers in the Device driver DLL's should use the build number that is used, also if adjusted to the SVN revision
  • #7201: VDI: Reopening TSF still causes error with different location types.
  • #7793: Compression Gain System Calibration representation of graph is vague
  • #7794: Compression Gain System Calibration when saved it removes rest of suggested name discription after any.
  • #7795: Compression Gain Test default value of added compression point is invalid
  • #7869: Y axis scaling in graph improvements
  • #8021: When a Band has been selected the TSF is marked as being changed
  • #8024: Magnifier in directory configuration is opening wrong folder or not opening the folder, but after multiple clicks it is opening the selection window
  • #8139: Updating consistency in code
  • #8148: Modification to Monitoring input channel sometimes reset the configured channel to 1
  • #8149: Graph Customization Configuration of the global graph color settings outside a test is not updating the global settings
  • #8158: Multiband Emission TSF configuration is not using the maximum number of selectable detectors
  • #8211: Object reference not set to an instance of an object: NoStacktrace.
  • #8220: Graph customization is not applied when a test is opened
  • #8265: Confirmation message is default selecting wrong answer (No) instead of Yes
  • #8268: Graph Customization is not updated
  • #8272: General Information in a calibration file cannot be shown if the calibration file is readonly
  • #8277: Disconnecting one VI of four connected RadiCentre devices is raising errors
  • #8283: A 'Copy to Clipboard' action is marking a COR file as being changed
  • #8290: System Calibration Attenuation / Gain Message shows message to connect the sensor power, but requires a forward powermeter in test equipment
  • #8309: The magnetic field current is not shown in multiband immunity.
  • #8318: Impossible to remove graph line from different test data when the file has been closed
  • #8319: Multiband shows an unexpected frequency graph line and table information which can't be removed
  • #8374: Multiple PC's running the same confdvdr location gives error
  • #8380: Selecting a field probe in a testsite takes more than 20 seconds
  • #8546: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
  • #8554: Ability to show polar plot of field strength in Multiband Immunity test
  • #8563: Not possible to select 1 point per row in UFA calculation
  • #8564: ErrorReport: "Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  • #8587: Changing graph customizations is not setting the changed state of the test
  • #8613: If auto-save is active, data of measurement should be saved to disk when automatic mode is left
  • #8671: RI Fixed power Printout stepsize is incorrect when frequency list used.
  • #8678: Allow 1 port network analyzer calibration for the Agilent 8753
  • #8733: Adding a multiline note field in the general information items of the eut is not possible
  • #8757: Not possible to edit MB EFT test from the sequence window
  • #8760: The CheckDevice check for Amplifier Research amplifiers using the P0/P1 command set is always successful
  • #8812: Wrong lines are drawn in the Multiband Immunity graph, when the same frequencies are tested often
  • #8820: Ability to use Spectrum analyzer for harmonics measurements
  • #8828: Virtual/manual device driver for EFT
  • #8864: Graphs of gain compression calibration are not showing all the data
  • #8866: No error is raised when the fieldprobe has a multiply correction file attached with values below 0
  • #8868: VDI Test not running correctly
  • #8881: Graphs of amplifier linearity calibration cannot be shown in Watts unit
  • #8882: Better auto scaling for the y-axis of the amplifier linearity graphs
  • #8887: RadiMation free Virtual powermeter
  • #8892: Wrong title Harmonics calibration
  • #8893: Harmonics test graphs does not use stored graph settings
  • #8898: RepGen .xlsx EUT attachment ||EUT|ATTACHMENT 1 CONTENTS||
  • #8904: Suggested filename for the calibration is not correct if the TSF contains a .
  • #8918: print graph shows temp document already being used by another process
  • #8938: Perform antenna scan calibration using a network analyzer instead of signal generator and spectrum analyzer
  • #8940: External modulation option for signal generator disappears with RadiMation Free
  • #8941: ctlEvents.cs is included twice and seems to be duplicated
  • #8948: Not all calibration tests are listed in the add test function of the sequence.
  • #8974: Selecting multiple bands with shift is not working as it should be
  • #9013: Sort the names of the graph as they are shown below the 'Graphs' button
  • #9025: Table tab does not display its measured values in a correct manor
  • #9032: Harmonics show -1000dBm
  • #9062: Measurement of Harmonics with 2 power meters
  • #9072: Receiver (ID1691) Input 2: Specific System Error: -200,"Execution error; Function not available; ABORT
  • #9082: RadiMation calibration expire date database error crash
  • #9083: RBW values are not working for ESU 8
  • #9083: Unable to set device driver auto value for measure time, incombination with RBW value
  • #9100: Object reference not set to an instance of an object: clsGraphElements.FilterShownGraphElements
  • #9105: GetGlobalizedHashCode Object must be of type String
  • #9125: Pressing update in graph config does not update the image.
  • #9137: Driver: Mini-Circuits SSG-6001RC
  • #9137: Driver: Mini-Circuits SSG-6001RC
  • #9185: Unclear time logging behaviour Radimation
  • #9186: Suggested filename of a calibration file is only '' if the TSF description is: "80-1000 MHz, 10 V/m"
  • #9188: Corrupt testfile, no data is visible in the graph
  • #9218: Infinit loop graph elements being added for gain calibration test
  • #9219: Cannot find the device driver - (Device is not on - Device driver is installed)
  • #9232: Emission peak number not correct
  • #9239: When starting an isotropy measurement the angle tab is not displayed
  • #9242: Exception is shown when EUT Monitoring input is opened
  • #9248: Readonly Network Analyzer system calibration still has some fields enabled
  • #9250: Number of sweeps in TSF of Network Analyzer EUT Calibration is not correctly initialized
  • #9257: Update the contents of the RadiLog page on the RadiWiki
  • #9267: Continue button does not work
  • #9287: Test data disappeared
  • #9288: PEAK TABLE keyword no longer works.
  • #9291: Save error report standard suggests .log extension
  • #9292: When there is no EUT there is no log file in the error report
  • #9299: Polar graph displays a graph line that has it's visibility tuned off
  • #9303: ErrorReport: "Radimation crashes suddenly after CE measurement is finished "
  • #9304: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
  • #9310: Testdata again not visible.
  • #9311: Test data lost / not visible
  • #9315: Auto Backup of RadiLog
  • #9353: Popup menu of available devices has no seperator between the actions and the devices
  • #9356: Configurable AD Converter value always 0
  • #9357: Driver: new RadiSense 10 models
  • #9384: Index out of range: clsGraphElements.HideElement.
  • #9391: Object reference not set to an instance of an object: Main Ticket.
  • #9427: Cancel button of Multiband Immunity TSF window is not working anymore
  • #9429: Destination array was not long enough
  • #9431: External FM modulation waveform is not saved
  • #9445: Battery radisense error, amp did not stop generating 100 vm
  • #9449: Object reference not set to an instance of an object: clsImpedanceTableCalculation.GetResistanceFromImpedanceTable(
  • #9452: Burst, graph does not re-scale when the to measure time is < measured time
  • #9453: Close RadiMation with FieldSensor open and connected gives error
  • #9454: Object reference error when switching tabs in Configuration window
  • #9460: Closing Virtual Forward Power Meter window shows error: Power Meter Init count: 1
  • #9465: Carrier frequency control is not correctly sized on the VI Signal generator window
  • #9496: Use default graph customization disables controls
  • #9504: Report Generator: date format wrong
  • #9507: Input string was not in a correct format.
  • #9523: Keyword PEAK TABLE does not work in 2018.1.4
  • #9533: Power Burst graphs are not correctly shown
  • #9535: Configuring a multiband test has a slow response
  • #9554: em test PFS500
  • #9567: Table is turned after last peak measurement
  • #9600: Object reference: Invoke RaiseProgressChangedEvent
  • #9634: Isotropy positioner is not being initialized at first angle at the begin of the test.
  • #9635: Sudden shutdown without warning.
  • #9637: The question 'Are you sure you want to close the test' is shown twice.
  • #9638: Opening a small amplifier linearity test result is taking minutes
  • #9639: Measure time and step frequency controls are not enabled correctly in RE Multiband when switching testsites
  • #9653: Driver: CDN - MEB M5/25A
  • #9657: App. Note 115: How to measuring Amplifier harmonics using RadiMation.
  • #9658: RM 2018.1.3 crashes often, with object reference not set
  • #9686: Calibration method of the a multiband immunity test cannot be retrieved in the report.
  • #9687: Multiband EFT is very difficult to close when the automated test is finished
  • #9691: Reference level is not changed to 125 dBuV on a R&S ESU
  • #9694: External Modulation options not always shown
  • #9714: Deadlocking in clsDataIdentifiers.
  • #9715: Move during measurement is not shown
  • #9719: Polar plots don't scale correct.
  • #9731: New sweep in a Multiband Emission test is not overwriting the previous sweep
  • #9732: Testdata of a singleband immunity test is not saved at the end of a test
  • #9734: Index out of bounds when shift clicking on a band.
  • #9742: Changing a sequence file does not work correctly.
  • #9753: Driver: Rohde & Schwarz switch matrix OSP230 Frame F01 with options OSP-B133, OSP-B104
  • #9757: test interrupted and restarted with wrong RBW and wrong turntable sequence
  • #9763: Index out of range when entering description in testlevel auto filter box.
  • #9764: Crash when creating an EUT using the auto-EUT-naming feature.
  • #9780: Antenna scan calibration in combination with network analyzer should use S21
  • #9795: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • #9819: Fix all warnings in the RADDOCS project
  • #9820: Fix all warnings in the RADTESTS project
  • #9821: Fix all warnings in the RADIMAT project
  • #9822: Fix all warnings in the RADEMITESTS project
  • #9823: Fix all warnings in the INTERPOLATIONCHART project
  • #9824: Fix all warnings in the SAVEUNICODEFILETESTS project
  • #9825: Fix all warnings in the INTERPOLATIONTESTS project
  • #9826: Fix all warnings in the RADSTDCLTESTS project
  • #9827: Fix all warnings in the HTTP_POST project
  • #9838: Crash during report generation
  • #9841: Update Visual Studio C++ compiler to 15.9.5
  • #9842: ErrorReport: "Spectrum Analyser (ID1691) Input 2: Specific System Error: -200,"Execution error; Function not available; FREQ:STOP:LINK START""
  • #9848: R&S ZNB device driver should not transmit measurement frequencies again when they are not changed
  • #9855: Set all C# projects to 'Treat all warnings as error' to 'All'
  • #9859: EF01003 (FSU 26) LAN ??? Specific System Error: -200,"Execution error;Function not available;BAND:AUTO ON""
  • #9860: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • #9880: Radimation hangs during closing, when it is waiting on an errornous amplifier
  • #9884: EUT window not visible
  • #9891: Table is not visible during test
  • #9901: Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, ....' or one of its dependencies.
  • #9922: Driver: AR250S1G6M1 Amplifier
  • #9923: Driver: Coupler, Amplifier Research: DC7230A
  • #9924: Driver: Amplifier AR5000A225A
  • #9928: Amplifier Research 150W1000 (Remote controlled): Device Not Connected.
  • #9937: Driver: RadiLink new relais
  • #9941: Missing Radi Errors descriptions
  • #9942: Incorrect frequency in error?
  • #9945: Driver: R&S NRX
  • #9948: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation, when EUT Monitoring channel is opened
  • #9950: Controlling a device over HTTP causes unnecessary delays
  • #9952: Rohde & Schwarz FSL 3: Specific System Error: -113,"Undefined header;INP:PRES:STAT ON"\n
  • #9963: RadiMation crashed during setup AD converter
  • #9986: Turntable go back to 0deg instead of continuing rotation to 360?? after interrupting test
  • #9991: Change Canoe Switch matrix driver so that you can choose which application it starts
  • #9992: No error messages are retrieved from Mini-circuits PWR-6GHS
  • #9993: Antenna stays at the last position
  • #10009: Driver: Schwarzbeck TK9420
  • #10011: When opening an EUT file the directory should be set to the EUT directory.
  • #10012: The File extension of the template and the output file do not match
  • #10013: Driver: Anritsu MS2601A as powermeter
  • #10018: Check for UNCAL after a Factory Reset of R&S Receiver
  • #10019: IF Overload is detected ESU26.
  • #10020: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
  • #10023: AntennaTower: Does not return to base position after test in version 2018.2.9
  • #10039: Unable to set RBW value
  • #10066: Compact NX5 surge testing halted
  • #10093: CE-MB test: not the exact peak is chosen which results in a large measurement error
If you have specific questions regarding on of the above items, please contact us at

The complete list of release notes can be found on: .
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