This version 2022.2.4 has been validated by our internal software quality checks. We strongly advise to test and verify (according to your quality system) this and each new version of RadiMation at for example a separate PC or laptop with your setup and with your measurement equipment, before you are going to use it for daily operation.
The new 2022.2.4 release of RadiMation can now be downloaded from the Raditeq website.
We always advise to thoroughly test each new RadiMation software version to determine if it works correctly in your situation with your equipment, before you use it for daily measurements. This is even a requirement for all ISO 17025 accredited test-labs. To enable customers to validate new software versions before they implement that new software version, we even made it possible to install multiple versions of RadiMation side-by-side on a single PC. It is of course also possible to perform this validation on for example a separate PC or laptop.
Known issues
- #9118: Ambient suppression in Multiband Emission GTEM causes that the GTEM correlation is not performed
New functionality
The following features/drivers are added to RadiMation 2022.2
- #13246: Driver: ETS-Lindgren probe polariser
- #12876: Device driver: Bonn amplifer - bonn 0830-250/100/60D - 3 bands
The following issues are fixed in this 2022.2.4 version (compared to the 2022.2.3 version):
- #6725: Default configuration of the RPR powermeters
- #6783: RadiField Polarization driver should have 'ignore height change' checkbox disabled
- #7358: Strange dBm formatting is included in RadiGen error message
- #10178: Application note 121: Using a RPR powermeter stand-alone with RadiMation® free version
- #10263: Questions doing IEC 61000-4-3 with a RadiCentre CTR1009B that has 4 RSW1921N modules
- #10287: FieldProbe RSS1004A: Not able to set filter
- #13087: Changing the individual directory configurations does not result in remembering the new directory.
- #13106: USB Dongle not detected
- #13119: ESD: Test passed icon is set to fail while the test has been passed
- #13121: The duplicate button on the sequence overview cannot be used when selecting multiple TSF files.
- #13134: Report generator, expected harmonics and compression data is not exported after upgrading to a newer version.
- #13137: The note button of a graph in the RI Fixed power result window is not working.
- #13139: Directory is not stored after changing it in the configuration.
- #13156: mk-messtechnik motion detection doesn't detect all alarms correctly
- #13173: Turning modulation off for a RadiGen only turns gated pulse modulation off, but leaves pulse modulation on
- #13184: Monitoring input channel Setup error.
- #13194: Which receiver settings are used when measureing the voltage in CI MB using spectrum analyzer
- #13197: Latest firmware version of RadiSense plugin in RadiCentre is not correctly detected
- #13199: AR250W1000B Interlock not detected
- #13208: SURGE: Deleting a sequence from the sequence list results in the order of the sequences being changed.
- #13219: ESW44 initialization error
- #13220: No measurement during antenna movement when an INNCO CO3000 antenna tower is used
- #13225: No polarization control on Frankonia FC05 possible
- #13227: -200 execution error when selecting a new LISN line after the analyzer has been reset due to loading a new test site with another "instance" of the analyzer driver
- #13237: Fluke 8845A performs measurements in auto ranging mode
- #13245: Include predefined sizes of several horn antennas
- #13247: Add reseller: Nanjing Rongxiang Testing Equipment Ltd.
- #13263: Configuration Directory cannot be changed
- #13265: Configuration Directory of RadiMation cannot be changed
- #13268: Signal Generator error
The complete list of release notes can be found on: ... tes_2022.2 .