This version 2023.1.4 has been validated by our internal software quality checks. We strongly advise to test and verify (according to your quality system) this and each new version of RadiMation at for example a separate PC or laptop with your setup and with your measurement equipment, before you are going to use it for daily operation.
The new 2023.1.4 release of RadiMation can now be downloaded from the Raditeq website.
We always advise to thoroughly test each new RadiMation software version to determine if it works correctly in your situation with your equipment, before you use it for daily measurements. This is even a requirement for all ISO 17025 accredited test-labs. To enable customers to validate new software versions before they implement that new software version, we even made it possible to install multiple versions of RadiMation side-by-side on a single PC. It is of course also possible to perform this validation on for example a separate PC or laptop.
Known issues
- #9118: Ambient suppression in Multiband Emission GTEM causes that the GTEM correlation is not performed
Fixed issues
The following issues are fixed in this 2023.1.4 version (compared to the 2023.1.3 version):
- #8156: Auto discovery of RadiPower powermeters through the RadiMation device driver system API
- #11578: New directory name / description not remembered
- #12860: TSF file directories names are changed to "new directory-<index>"
- #13182: Driver: RadiPol antenna tower
- #13211: FPC1000 using the 'GTEM' test results in "Specific System Error: -113,"Undefined header" when selecting zero span
- #13236: Turn table angle in MK Messtechnik OSD
- #13248: Object null reference error during Radiated Immunity test while determining the input identifiers of the test level
- #13343: Multi-axis field probe read out
- #13375: Creating a sub TSF Directory with a new TSF file (network) results in an empty directory name with the file in the root directory
- #13410: Add a manual controlled XY positioner driver
- #13519: Windows error 128: There are no underlying child processes to wait for
- #13537: Radimation data storage error during test
- #13553: Issue 2023-04-04 AL3 Configuration AD-Converter Keithley (Scanner)
- #13564: Frankonia FC05 Polarization controller issue
- #13567: Update wxWidgets to
- #13577: Possibility to switch The FFT mode of the TDEMI
- #13582: Emission Graph as polar plot of angles
- #13594: Rohde & Schwarz SMB 100B: Not all bytes are written to the GPIB-Board within the timeout period (GPIB: EABO)
- #13595: Create a python module for an EUT Status interface
- #13600: Magnetic field test according ISO 11452-8 using CWS500N3
- #13603: Driver: RadiLink RLK3086R
- #13615: How to measure an ADC during singleband tests
- #13616: AD-Converter Keithley (Scanner) the first measurement returns 0V which is incorrect
- #13628: Final QP-Measurement not working for more than 1 Pre-Measured Peak due to the RBW being changed by the device
- #13633: Extend TCP/IP status interface to allow passing of TestInfo.
- #13639: Driver: TDEMI M7/M7+
- #13642: 'device driver function not implemented error' during Radiated immunity Calibration
- #13643: Name of new sub-folder in TSF selection window is lost
- #13644: Cannot execute isotropic field measurement using XYZ axis correction data
- #13647: CI test is levelling down with NSG 4070
- #13655: Rohde & Schwarz SMB 100A fault: Not all bytes are written to the GPIB-Board within the timeout period (GPIB: EABO)
- #13656: RadiPol 2010A cannot control tower height
- #13657: Antenne toren
- #13658: List FSA as 'FS Antennentechnik'
- #13659: single band external modulation depth setting
- #13660: Create antenna tower driver for the RadiPol
- #13661: Auto detect the RadiLink RLK3086R
- #13662: Attenuation/Gain system calibration cannot be used with carrier level below -50
- #13664: IF overload
- #13670: Radisense IV & Dare RSS1006A errors driver does not enable axis before taking measurements
- #13671: Error message during initialization of CXA N9000B signal analyzer
- #13672: nRadiSense driver does not enable axis before taking measurements
- #13673: AR FM/FL field probe does not measure any field
- #13675: Object reference not set when referencing the input identifiers of the test site
- #13677: RadiSense IV returns E3 when setting the filter settings.
- #13682: Buttons for Add/Delete monitoring input in testsite configuration are shown too low
- #13683: HI6105 only returns the X axis measurement results
- #13684: Error 4 when retrieving field with RadiSense 4
- #13696: Reading RadiSense 18 is slow
- #13697: Graph line colours are not remembered
- #13700: too much reflected power
- #13701: Signal generator error - R&S SMB 100A
- #13704: Communication with a RSS1018 in a RadiCentre 1 is very slow
- #13705: EUT Status Controller does not require that the response starts with TESTINFO
- #13706: Update screens shows new major while already up to date
- #13708: No communication with RadiCentre possible
- #13719: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
The complete list of release notes can be found on: ... tes_2023.1 .