This version 2024.1.3 has been validated by our internal software quality checks. We strongly advise to test and verify (according to your quality system) this and each new version of RadiMation at for example a separate PC or laptop with your setup and with your measurement equipment, before you are going to use it for daily operation.
The new 2024.1.3 release of RadiMation can now be downloaded from the Raditeq website.

We always advise to thoroughly test each new RadiMation software version to determine if it works correctly in your situation with your equipment, before you use it for daily measurements. This is even a requirement for all ISO 17025 accredited test-labs. To enable customers to validate new software versions before they implement that new software version, we even made it possible to install multiple versions of RadiMation side-by-side on a single PC. It is of course also possible to perform this validation on for example a separate PC or laptop.
Known issues
- #9118: Ambient suppression in Multiband Emission GTEM causes that the GTEM correlation is not performed
Fixed issues
The following issues are fixed in this 2024.1.3 version (compared to the 2023.2.6 version):
- #12009: Support 64 bit time stamps
- #14039: Switching band in a RI MB test using a stepper with a frequency list can be slow
- #14134: Add antenna efficiency setting to all antenna device drives.
- #14163: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14269: Controls on reverberation calibration configuration window are incorrectly aligned
- #14270: Description on the reverberation calibration configuration window is unexpected.
- #14271: Add validator if 'allowed deviation' is selected
- #14272: Add validator if at least one field probe input is selected
- #14273: Add a validator if at least one testlevel is selected
- #14274: Positioning of the field probe cannot be changed in the change order
- #14278: 'Save Calibration As' dialog is shown if reverberation calibration takes longer than 5 minutes
- #14281: Overflow is prevented when searching very large arrays
- #14292: Allignment of radiated immunity related test configurations forms
- #14320: Remove PropertyChanged events in settingbase class-
- #8756: Virtual Instrument amplifier window. Triangle button is not drawing a triangle
- #12693: A correction file that is opened by a restricted engineer can still be modified by using TAB
- #13578: Report generator: dropdown lists in templates are not working or deleted after report generation
- #13612: Horizontal buttons on Virtual Instruments use the correct margen to the right border
- #13711: Fix for error 'Error: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT:0x88990012)'
- #13819: Added EN61000-4-20:2022 UFA Calculation and TEM mode verification
- #13826: Update to DevExpress 23.2.3
- #13873: Driver: EMCO 5390 XYZ Positioner
- #13916: 2 or more calibration files can be opened at the same time again
- #13921: Show the default button in the Raditeq skin more distinctive
- #13967: Keysight N9038A: Alignment status is not checked during test
- #14150: Simplify selection of the type of the RadiCentre when a RadiCentre Ultra 8 is controlled
- #14283: On/Off buttons should not behave as toggle buttons
- #14315: Textboxes in word templates disappear
- #14323: Driver: Rohde & Schwarz SMB100M
- #14331: A readonly TSF file can still be saved by selecting 'Are you sure to replace it?'
- #14354: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14411: RadiCentre selection is always set to 'RadiCentre Ultra'
- #14413: Raise warning when main template is used as test specific template
- #14419: Returned value of SwitchHoldContinuousOff is always ignored
- #14437: Error while measuring with R&S FPC1500
- #14438: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14438: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14443: For RadiCentre devices when directly connected to the pc it is not possible to change the baudrate
- #14443: Allow baudrate change for RadiCentre1 devices connected by RS232
- #14444: No response from directly connected RadiPower
- #14446: Error while clicking table
- #14451: Fixed firmware check for the RPR2006C
- #14453: Improve battery check speed for raditower
- #14470: Error opening EUT calibration test graph "attenuation"
- #14472: Implemented a check if the Maturo FCU is enabled and referenced
- #14516: AR75S1G6C was not going to operate
- #14518: No stirrer driver in test site in normal RI MB closed loop test
- #14520: Amplifier not powering on
- #14523: Allow internal and external AM sine and square wave modulation for the R&S SMF100A generator
- #14547: Copying a limit line file table does not consider the unit when pasted into another limit line file
- #14552: Not possible to copy and paste the address information
- #14554: Driver does not read power anymore during zero operation.
- #14564: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14568: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x88990012)
- #14583: RadiSense Ultra: Add hidden advanced ability to skip range selection
- #14583: RadiSense Ultra should wait until probe is active after laser is activated
- #14584: Agilent ESG-D (E4431B) is automatically switching int/ext reference.
- #14590: Allow pasting correction data in units different from the receiving correction file
- #14730: Report generator: drop down menu don't working
- #12772: Application note 147: MIL-STD RE101
- #13138: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13425: Fix error: Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13651: Fix update of plugin card is not working correctly in a multislot RadiCentre
- #13758: The progress of the software update of a Raditeq device is only running once from 0 % to 100 %
- #13759: The dialog cannot be closed as long as the software update of a Raditeq device is busy
- #13760: At the end of the software update of Raditeq device a messagebox is shown
- #13761: During the software update of a Raditeq device a message is shown that the update is busy
- #13984: Fix error Objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #13998: Fix error objects used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14365: Loading previous Reverberation calibration files shows all the information again
- #14483: 'Suggest an improvement' redirects to the RadiMation download page
- #14498: Antenna distance exported from Multiband Calibration matches with the antenna distance used during the test
- #14507: UFA calculation stores logarithmic step frequency into resulting CAL file
- #14567: Add reseller ASTAT
- #14589: Keysight E4446A factory preset type is set during the initialisation
- #14617: Terminator is correctly skipped in binary response of Narda PMM600
- #14620: CI system calibration does not allow to set a constant current with decimals e.g. 7.5 mA
- #14632: Fix hiding controls on the virtual instrument window
- #14633: Fix display of controls on Virtual instrument window
- #14636: Fix auto triggering of RSS3018U is not performed
- #14653: FSV40 correctly set the center frequency in final measurement mode
- #14677: Driver: ETS-Lindgren HI-6023
- #14678: Add reseller Comtest SRL
- #14679: Check for system errors in NRT power meter driver
- #14694: Log the new operation mode when it is changed
- #14716: Software update can be be performed on Raditeq RadiSense Ultra
- #14731: Add reseller Netscope RM
- #14760: Fix Logging when directory configuration does not match CONFDVDR directory configuration
- #14764: Update packages
- #14768: Updates to assembly info
- #14769: Fix amplifier initialisation display mismatch
- #14772: Fix freezing when closing MB with open event window
- #14773: Improve PMM9010 communication by clear communication buffers around commands
- #14805: SRM3006 Correctly handle '\r' characters and use ';' as termination only
- #14826: Fix object used together must be created from the same factory instance
- #14855: A saved reverberation calibration file is not triggering a file corrupted error anymore
- #14872: Do not show the stirrer in the signal generator list
- #14884: More retries added to handle sudden disconnects and timeouts for Maturo FCU
- #14890: Prevented deadlock in pulsed immunity multiband EFT test
- #14899: Support for windows 10 enterprise LTSC 2019 x64 17763
- #14917: Drivers added for Raditeq RadiPol RPL3001L, RPL3001H and RPL3001R
- #14928: Resolved a problem that < 1 ms differences between different timing loops are present
The complete list of release notes can be found on: ... tes_2024.1.