New version: RadiMation version 2024.1.4

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Joined: 09 Jun 2020, 15:48

New version: RadiMation version 2024.1.4

Post by Jeru »

We have released an updated version of the RadiMation software, which includes several improvements and fixes for problems that have been detected since the release of the 2024.1.3 version.
This version 2024.1.4 has been validated by our internal software quality checks. We strongly advise to test and verify (according to your quality system) this and each new version of RadiMation at for example a separate PC or laptop with your setup and with your measurement equipment, before you are going to use it for daily operation.

The new 2024.1.4 release of RadiMation can now be downloaded from the Raditeq website. Image

We always advise to thoroughly test each new RadiMation software version to determine if it works correctly in your situation with your equipment, before you use it for daily measurements. This is even a requirement for all ISO 17025 accredited test-labs. To enable customers to validate new software versions before they implement that new software version, we even made it possible to install multiple versions of RadiMation side-by-side on a single PC. It is of course also possible to perform this validation on for example a separate PC or laptop.

Known issues
  • #9118: Ambient suppression in Multiband Emission GTEM causes that the GTEM correlation is not performed
If you have a problem or question, please do not hesitate to report it to us, so we can continue to improve RadiMation.

Fixed issues
The following issues are fixed in this 2024.1.4 version (compared to the 2024.1.3 version):
  • #14904: 10 second timeout is prevented when Maturo FCU clamp mover starts moving
  • #14576: Communication improvements with the Boonton 4220(A) power meters
  • #14944: Improvements to starting virtual instruments tests
  • #14947: Application note 158: How specific devices can be excluded from the table of used equipment in the report
  • #14951: Detection of available axes on a Maturo FCU controller is improved
  • #14952: measurement issue by using ESR 26 Spectrum analyzer input 1
  • #14956: Fix loading calibration files created in 2024.1.2
  • #14959: Detection of the state of the preamplifier of the PMM9010 is improved
  • #14965: Value of retrieved preamplifier gain is shown correctly in RadiLog
  • #14967: Application Note 159: How to create nicely formatted tables in a report
If you have specific questions regarding on of the above items, please contact us at

The complete list of release notes can be found on: ... tes_2024.1.
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