Difference between the Report Generator and Excel Export

FAQ regarding the Report Generator
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Difference between the Report Generator and Excel Export

Post by joro »

What is the difference between the Report Generator and the Excel Exporter?
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Re: Difference between the Report Generator and Excel Export

Post by joro »

The report generator and the Excel exporter are using two different ways to export the information from RadiMation®.

The report generator is fully configurable by the report generator template which specifies the information that should be exported, and how it should be represented in the final report. The formatting, generated information and amount of information is completely configurable.
The Excel exporter can not be configured, it just dumps all the raw data into a Microsoft Excel worksheet. By design, all the data is exported without any correction factors applied to the values. The order and the location on which the information is exported cannot be modified, and is always the same.
The report generator is also capable of generating customizable reports in Microsoft Excel. The most common usage of the Excel exporter is to have all the information available in Microsoft Excel to perform further calculations.
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