Radimation is too strict in checking of parameters

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Radimation is too strict in checking of parameters

Post by incognito »

Sometimes Radimation tries to be so automatic that causes problems to the user.
For example, during the Radiated Immunity calibration process, it would be interesting that the parameters that are not being controlled by Radimation (like sometimes happen with antenna polarity, distance or height) are not taken into account in the files used for the final uniformity calculation. This way, when a laboratory that doesn’t control antenna height, polarization or distance takes measures of, for example, eight points in Horizontal Polarization with the “Horizontal polarization” option marked, and other eight points with the option marked (by error) as “Vertical polarization”, Radimation will not generate an error (as in fact, there is no error) and the uniformity calculation could be executed.
It would be interesting to avoid this type of problems, assuming that sometimes the confidence on the user could be risky.
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