Multiband test

What do you consider to be the main strengths of the RadiMation software?
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Multiband test

Post by incognito »

Multiband test
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Re: Multiband test

Post by joro »

More than 20 years ago, we started the development of our RadiMation software. As it is impossible to generate a perfect software solution the first time, there are some limitations and impossibilities in the older singleband tests. During discussions with end-users, we realized that we had to create more powerful and more flexible test methods. Based on all our experience with the singleband tests, discussions and requests of end-users, we have created the Multiband tests.
These Multiband tests are indeed more flexible, and therefor more powerful than the older singleband tests.
At this moment most of the new developments and improvements are done in these Multiband tests, to make them better and support all the standards and test methods that are in use.
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