Restart last Test with changes?

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Restart last Test with changes?

Post by Lüder »

Dear Radimation,
at the EUT 'Main' I can restart the last TSF but is it possible to restart the last test with all changes?
Sometimes I have deviation to my standard tests (i.e. for a special EUT), so I chance some values before starting a test but don't save it (keep standard TSF as it is). When I later restart that last TSF all this changes are lost, is it possible to restart a copy of a Test (with changes to TSF) and not just the last TSF?

Best regards
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Re: Restart last Test with changes?

Post by joro »

Hello Lüder,

I understand that you want to restart a TSF with modified settings, where these modified settings are not saved to the original TSF file.
This is currently not possible. The 'Restart Last TSF' button on the EUT 'Main' window will start the TSF as it is saved on disk.

I can only suggest that you open a TSF, make some modifications, and use the 'File > Save TSF As ....' option from the menu to save the modified TSF in a separate TSF file.
In that case the 'Restart Last TSF' button will start the modified (and saved) TSF file.

With best regards,
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