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Colours of curves and markers shall be constant

Posted: 13 May 2019, 13:11
by Andy75
Is there a possibility to define all colours and markers as default?
For example: Peak curves always red, qpeak always orange and average always blue.
Is there an ini-Files to define this for our whole measurements? Or is there another possibility?

Re: Colours of curves and markers shall be constant

Posted: 24 Oct 2019, 10:56
by tjsc
Best Andy,

Yes, this is possible. However it is difficult to define a standard for the traces.
The system now makes a customizable graphline for all the graphlines made in the system.

The name of the trace is depended of the RBW used. We have made ticket #10552 to investigate improving this system as it does not facilitate the easy use of default colors for traces.

For graphlines as Forward Power and signal power it is easier as they are not RBW dependend
This is also true for markers.

We advise to change via the following menu:

Go to Configuration/Configuration
Select graphs
Click Customize
By clicking Description, you will sort the lines alphabetically which makes it much easier to find and adjust them

At the moment it is not possible to make a default for the average or peak lines as their names are related to the RBW used and the polarisation. This is done to be able to show and differentiate two lines of the same RBW with different orientation. This means that you have to know the lines you are testing to be able to set them and when you have not used it yet it will take the default colour. I agree that this should be definable. I will add this reply to the ticket.

To change this without breaking current implementation and to guarantee that all old settings are still working is something we are investigating.
Let us know if the tips above helped to further understand the current system and let us know if you still have trouble defining defaults. The we will add your feedback to the ticket to use as input for our research to see if it is possible to improve the current implementation.