Multiple versions installable on the same PC

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Multiple versions installable on the same PC

Post by incognito »

Possibility to install different versions of Radimation on the same PC
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Re: Multiple versions installable on the same PC

Post by joro »

One of the features that we have implemented a long time ago, is indeed the possibility to install multiple versions of the RadiMation software on the same PC.
The big benefit of this is that when a new release of RadiMation becomes available, that this new version can be installed beside the version that you are using for daily EMC testing. The new version can then be verified to ensure that it works correctly before it will be used for daily testing. Even if this verification takes several days, it is still possible to use the older version of RadiMation for the daily EMC testing during this period.
Another benefit is that when an unexpected problem appears in RadiMation, it is possible to start the older version of RadiMation again, and perform the measurement in the older version of RadiMation.

This multi version installation of RadiMation on the same PC thus safeguards the continuity of your business.
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