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How to include the used RadiMation version in the report?

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 21:32
by incognito
Is it possible to include the RadiMation version that is used for performing a specific test in the report?

Re: How to include the used RadiMation version in the report

Posted: 27 Jun 2016, 21:35
by joro
Yes, it is is possible to include all kind of information in the automatically generated report of RadiMation.
Also the used RadiMation version to perform a specific test, can be included in the report.

The RadiMation version that is used for a specific test can be made visible by adding the 'RadiMation version' column to the list of performed test in the EUT window, and the same name as the column can be used as the report generator code. Thus the code ||TEST-IDENTIFIERS|RADIMATION VERSION|| will include the used RadiMation version in the report for the selected test.

A detailed explanation on how this can be used, and some more details are available at: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74