RadiMation user meeting, Woerden, The Netherlands

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RadiMation user meeting, Woerden, The Netherlands

Post by NISE »

On the 15th of March (2017), DARE!! Instruments organized the first RadiMation user meeting for all Benelux (Belgium, The Netherland & Luxembourg) customers. In total a group of 15 participants (daily RadiMation users) joined the meeting.

During the meeting we discussed the background, design principles and the history of RadiMation. We also explained the latest improvements of the latest 2016.2 version of RadiMation. We even released some information on what will be implemented in the next version 2017.1 version of RadiMation.

All participants had the possibility to fill in a questionnaire about RadiMation until one week before the meeting. In this questionnaire they were able to fill in their opinion about RadiMation; Strenghts, Weaknesses, Wishes and Questions. In the afternoon we discussed the questionnaire and several other problems that end-users are facing. The RadiMation team was able to provide the users with solutions on how to fix and resolve those problems. During this practical part of the user meeting John de Rooij demonstrated live to the end users how they can make better use of the RadiMation software during their daily usage.

At the end of the user meeting all the participants are very positive about the complete meeting and the possibilities and usability of the RadiMation software. Also the RadiMation team is very positive about the meeting because the users learnt us about how to further improve the software and support.

We would like to thank everyone for their participation in the user meeting and hope to see you again during a next Benelux user meeting.
User meeting (15 March 2017)
User meeting (15 March 2017)
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