Radiated Immunity with GTEM-Cell

Discussion and questions regarding the Radiated Immunity and Conducted Immunity modules of RadiMation.
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Radiated Immunity with GTEM-Cell

Post by MLcom »


I use RadiMation to take measurements with a GTEM-Cell.
When I do a 1-Point-Calibration, what means Antenna Distance? I use the field probe RadiSense 10 in the Cell.
What effect does the indication have on the measurement result?

When I do the Uniform-Field-Area-Calculation there is only the possibility to use standard EN 61000-4-3. How can I calculate the field as described in standard 61000-4-20 for TEM waveguides?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Radiated Immunity with GTEM-Cell

Post by joro »

In the GTEM-Cell, the antenna distance is indeed not really required.
It is however important to note and write down, what the actual septum height is at the location where the field probe is positioned during the calibration. The when a substitution is performed using the generated calibration file, the calibrated field will only be present at the location where the septum height is the same as during the calibration.

It thus is very logical to put the septum height at the location where the field probe is positioned in the 'antenna distance' field in the calibration file.

The information in the 'Antenna distance' field in the calibration file is NOT used by any calculation. The value in this field is only used for the administration for the end-user to remember at which distance (or at which septum height) the calibration as performed.

(I will have to lookup and investigate your question regarding the 61000-4-20).
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