More than one correction file for coupler

Discussion and questions regarding the Radiated Immunity and Conducted Immunity modules of RadiMation.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2016, 11:23

More than one correction file for coupler

Post by heutink »

Normally you can add only one correction file for the FWD or REV path of a coupler. Is it possible to add more than one correction file in the coupler path. Reason: between coupler and RF power meter we have several RF components, like coax cables and power combiners. We want to correct for all these RF components without making one overall correction file.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2018, 12:17

Re: More than one correction file for coupler

Post by roge »

What you can do is specify each component as a cable.

Open the menu Configuration and choose Configuration.
1. Select the third tab "Device Drivers"
2. Select at "Device Driver Type" "Cables".
3. Click "Add"
4. Select "Configurable Cable"
5. Give the cable a name, for example: Cable coupler to combiner 2dB att.
6. Provide a correction file with the applicable cable loss.

Do this for all the separate cables and components between the coupler and the power meter that introduce losses.

Now we can apply these in the test sites where applicable.
1. Choose the menu "Test-Sites"
2. Select the test site (Test Equipment).
3. Select the tab "Cables".
4. Now right click on "Cable coupler -> refl Power meter"
5. Select the cable in this path
6. Repeat step 4. and 5. for all other cables and components in the path, you can add multiple cables.
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