Calibration on voltage level

Discussion and questions regarding the Radiated Immunity and Conducted Immunity modules of RadiMation.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2016, 11:23

Calibration on voltage level

Post by heutink »

Performing a "Calibration > System Calibration > Conducted Immunity" on a voltage test level. The only measuring instrument i use is a DVM. However, the software asks for sensor power meter a.s.o. How do i have to define this calibration on voltage level?
Posts: 41
Joined: 09 Jun 2020, 15:48

Re: Calibration on voltage level

Post by Jeru »

According to the standard that is used for testing different system calibration modules can be used.

If testing is done for most CE and Automotive purposes:
Calibration > System Calibration > Conducted Immunity can be used.

For this type of calibration it is not possible to use an multi-meter as device to regulate the voltage test levels.
A power meter represented by the sensor power meter is required for this type of calibration.

If testing is done for Mil standard purposes:
Calibration > System Calibration > Conducted susceptibility can be used.

For this type of calibration it is possible to use an multi-meter to regulate the voltage test levels.
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