I received several times the question to insert a table with overview of the tests performed, before the test results. Is there an easy way of automatically doing this using the report generator? It should look e.g. like the following:
Test ID | Note | Mode of Operation | test result
best regards,
Generate an overview of performed tests
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
Currently Radimation does not have a report generator to export the list of executed tests.
We have created an new item for this #7780.
We have created an new item for this #7780.
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
In the RadiMation version 2017.1 it will indeed be possible to include a table of all the performed tests of an EUT in a report.
The corresponding report generator code is: ||EUT|PERFORMED TESTS TABLE||
The table will include a lot of information, as all the available information will be included in the table.
The SQL filtering possibilities of the report generator can however be used to customize the final table in the report.
The following code will thus result in a table that only has the 'Test Number', 'Description', 'Note', 'Test start time' and 'Engineer' columns.
||EUT|SELECT [Test Number], [Description], Note, [Test start time], Engineer FROM PERFORMED TESTS TABLE ORDER BY [Test Number]||
The table that you requested will probably be created using the code:
||EUT|SELECT [Test Number], Note, [Mode of Operation], [Test Status] FROM PERFORMED TESTS TABLE ORDER BY [Test Number]||
The corresponding report generator code is: ||EUT|PERFORMED TESTS TABLE||
The table will include a lot of information, as all the available information will be included in the table.
The SQL filtering possibilities of the report generator can however be used to customize the final table in the report.
The following code will thus result in a table that only has the 'Test Number', 'Description', 'Note', 'Test start time' and 'Engineer' columns.
||EUT|SELECT [Test Number], [Description], Note, [Test start time], Engineer FROM PERFORMED TESTS TABLE ORDER BY [Test Number]||
The table that you requested will probably be created using the code:
||EUT|SELECT [Test Number], Note, [Mode of Operation], [Test Status] FROM PERFORMED TESTS TABLE ORDER BY [Test Number]||
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
I hadn't seen this post upto now, but it does exactly what I wanted! Thanks a lot for this!
I hadn't seen this post upto now, but it does exactly what I wanted! Thanks a lot for this!
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
I have an additional question here: I can perfectly export a table which contains e.g. |Test Number|Mode of Operation|Note|Test Result|.
Is there a way to add the 'test type'? so a column which contains Conducted Emission, Radiated Emission, ...?
Best regards,
I have an additional question here: I can perfectly export a table which contains e.g. |Test Number|Mode of Operation|Note|Test Result|.
Is there a way to add the 'test type'? so a column which contains Conducted Emission, Radiated Emission, ...?
Best regards,
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
Currently it is not possible to export the raw test type. You can however specify the test type in the TSF filename, or description. You can export this description/TSF filename column as they are shown in the table.
A new wish item has been created to be fixed on the long term:
#9102 EUT Executed tests table, does not contain test type
A new wish item has been created to be fixed on the long term:
#9102 EUT Executed tests table, does not contain test type
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
It is not possible to have different TSF filenames and descriptions, is that correct? I tend to make the filenames/descriptions quite elaborate (adding type of spectrum analyser, polarisation, RBW, ...) for ease of retrieval and minimising chances on setup errors. this makes it not at all ideal for using them in a table
Test number | Test type | mode of operation | note | Test result
Test number | Test type | mode of operation | note | Test result
Re: Generate an overview of performed tests
The name of the TSF file, is indeed also used for the description of the test in the EUT window. It is not possible to have them different.
It is also not possible to change the description of the test afterwards.
A possible workaround or solution is to create shorter TSF filenames, but place them within a TSF directory with a specific name in the TSF Directory structure. The additional information that you are now including in the TSF filename is then used for the TSF directory names. The 'simplified' name is then used as the test description in the EUT.
I now that this is only a workaround, but possibly it could be very useful.
It is also not possible to change the description of the test afterwards.
A possible workaround or solution is to create shorter TSF filenames, but place them within a TSF directory with a specific name in the TSF Directory structure. The additional information that you are now including in the TSF filename is then used for the TSF directory names. The 'simplified' name is then used as the test description in the EUT.
I now that this is only a workaround, but possibly it could be very useful.