Controll ENV216 through ESU8

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Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by emvlab »

The switching between neutral and line on ENV216 is done by the ESU8 (Device Driver). We have installed Radimation version 2019.2.5 and now the switching does not work anymore. We are of the opinion that this has worked until now. In the meantime we have installed a new Computer and the ESU8 was also in calibration.
We control the ESU8 via TCP-IP. How can I check if the connection Radimaiton-ESU8-ENV216 works? The connections Radimation-ESU8 and ESU8-ENV216 are ok.

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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by joro »

It should indeed be possible to control the ENV216 LISN that is connected to the R&S ESU8, by using a RadiMation device driver.
At this moment I do not know why it is not working anymore in the 2019.2.5 version. I would expect that it working as you are expecting.
We will have to investigate this issue, to determine if we can find the cause. When we have some more feedback I will let you know.

Which RadiMation version did you use in the past (before version 2019.2.5), in which the control of the ENV216 is still working?
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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by emvlab »

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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by joro »

I investigated the problem that you reported.
However no changes have been made in the device driver that controls the LISN that is connected to the R&S ESU8 for a few years.
Also no other end-users have reported a problem related to what you describe. At this moment it thus is difficult to provide you with a direct solution.

You wrote that you installed version 2019.2.5, and also installed a new computer, and also that the ESU8 has been to the calibration laboratory. Was this all at the same moment, or was 2019.2.5 already tested before the ESU8 was shipped to the calibration laboratory?

Could it be possible that calibration laboratory has made change in the configuration of the R&S ESU8 that influences the control of the LISN?
Please ensure that the correct LISN type is selected in the ESU8.
Also we know that the 'use custom preset' is sometimes causing problems. Please test if the LISN can be controlled, if a real 'Factory Preset setting' is used again.

If the above suggestions are not resolving the problem, please send us an 'Error Report'. The 'Error Report' will contain the communication between the PC and the ESU8, and it will help us to determine and identify the problem. Please read:

I hope this all helps you to resolve the problem. Otherwise send us an 'Error Report', and we will continue to support you.
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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by joro »

Have you already been able to resolve the problem with the control of the ENV216 from the ESU8?
We do like to hear the solution, as it can help other users in the future.
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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by emvlab »

If I control the ESU8 with NI Max directly (via Ethernet), the switching works on the ENV216 e.g. L1 to N.
The new PC has Windows 10 installed.

I have attached the log file for a conducted emission with switching between L1 and N. Actually I should find texts like: "INP:LISN:TYPE ENV216" or "INP:LISN:PHAS L1" but are not found. Or how is the ESU8 controlled by Radimation?
DLL Version in Radimation ESU8
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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by joro »

In the 'Dok4.docx' file you included a screenshot of the device driver configuration of the R&S ESU8 receiver. That is ok, but that device driver is only controlling the 'emission measurement' part of the R&S ESU8. This device driver is is however not able to control the LISN.
The control of the LISN (no mather if it is controlled through a specific device or through the R&S ESU8) is performed by another device driver. To be able to control the LISN through the ESU8, and additional driver is needed.

Please go in RadiMation to: Configuration > Configuration > Device drivers > LISN.
Then press on the 'Add' button and add a device driver for the 'Rohde & Schwarz ESU Controlled LISN'. You can give this device driver for example the name: 'ENV216 through ESU8'. Then configure the correct address in that device driver. The address is just the same as is configured in the device driver that you have for the 'Rohde & Schwarz ESU 8 Input 2 (LAN)'.
Then go to the testsite configuration of the testsite you are using for the conducted emission test, and for the LISN select the just created 'ENV216 through ESU8'.
When the test is now started the 'Rohde & Schwarz ESU 8 Input 2 (LAN)' will control the ESU8 to perform the emission measurement. The 'ENV216 through ESU8' will control the ESU8 to select the correct LISN phase.

The 'ENV216 through ESU8' will indeed send the correct commands: 'INPUT:LISN:TYPE' and 'INPUT:LISN:PHASE'.

I hope that this provides you with enough information to adjust the configuration, so you will be able to control the ENV216 from the RadiMation software. Otherwise, just ask.

A last remark: Capturing the communication log can indeed be done by using the National Instruments IO-Trace program, however it is much easier and simpler to use the 'Report Error' functionality that is integrated in RadiMaton itself. Please see:
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Re: Controll ENV216 through ESU8

Post by emvlab »

now it works. Thanks for help.
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